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Distributed lock based on Database and SQLAlchemy.

It currently supports below locks:




named lock


advisory lock


pip install sqlalchemy-dlock


  • Work with SQLAlchemy Connection:

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    from sqlalchemy_dlock import create_sadlock
    key = 'user/001'
    engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@')
    conn = engine.connect()
    # Create the D-Lock on the connection
    lock = create_sadlock(conn, key)
    # it's not lock when constructed
    assert not lock.locked
    # lock
    assert lock.locked
    # un-lock
    assert not lock.locked
  • with statement

    from contextlib import closing
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    from sqlalchemy_dlock import create_sadlock
    key = 'user/001'
    engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@')
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        # Create the D-Lock on the connection
        with create_sadlock(conn, key) as lock:
            # It's locked
            assert lock.locked
        # Auto un-locked
        assert not lock.locked
        # If do not want to be locked in `with`, a `closing` wrapper may help
        with closing(create_sadlock(conn, key)) as lock2:
            # It's NOT locked here !!!
            assert not lock2.locked
            # lock it now:
            assert lock2.locked
        # Auto un-locked
        assert not lock2.locked
  • Work with SQLAlchemy ORM session:

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
    from sqlalchemy_dlock import create_sadlock
    key = 'user/001'
    engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@')
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    with Session() as session:
      with create_sadlock(session, key) as lock:
          assert lock.locked
      assert not lock.locked
  • Asynchronous I/O Support

    from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
    from sqlalchemy_dlock.asyncio import create_async_sadlock
    key = 'user/001'
    engine = create_async_engine('postgresql+asyncpg://scott:tiger@')
    async with engine.begin() as conn:
        async with create_async_sadlock(conn, key) as lock:
            assert lock.locked
            await lock.release()
            assert not lock.locked
            await lock.acquire()
        assert not lock.locked


    aiomysql, asyncpg and psycopg are tested asynchronous drivers

    We can install asynchronous DB libraries like one of blows:

    • pip install sqlalchemy-dlock[asyncpg]
    • pip install sqlalchemy-dlock[asyncio] aiomysql
    • pip install SQLALchemy[asyncio] sqlalchemy-dlock psycopg


Following drivers are tested:

You can run unit-tests

  • on local environment:

    1. Install the project with drivers and asyncio extra requires, a virtual environment (venv) is strongly advised:

      pip install -e .[mysqlclient psycopg2-binary aiomysql asyncpg]
    2. start up mysql and postgresql

      There is a docker compose file db.docker-compose.yml in the project dir, which can be used to run mysql and postgresql develop environment conveniently:

      docker compose -f db.docker-compose.yml up
    3. set environment variables TEST_URLS and TEST_ASYNC_URLS for sync and async database connection url. Multiple connections separated by space. The test cases load environment variables in tests/.env.

      eg (and also the defaults):

      TEST_URLS=mysql://test:test@ postgresql://postgres:test@
      TEST_ASYNC_URLS=mysql+aiomysql://test:test@ postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:test@
    4. run unit-test

      python -m unittest
  • or on docker-compose:

    1. build the project

      python -m pip install build && python -m build -w
    2. run unit-test

      Name of services for Python and SQLAlchemy version matrix in the compose file has such format:


      For example, if want to take a test for Python 3.9 and SQLAlchemy 2.x, we shall up to run unit-tests as below:

      cd tests
      docker compose up python3.9-sqlalchemy2

      For Python 3.8 and SQLAlchemy 1.x:

      cd tests
      docker compose up python3.8-sqlalchemy1